Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Frankenstien part II day 2

Anesthetic is a pretty cool concept, but it is the execution that I really approve of.
Anyway, during my second nap today I had a pretty in-depth dream.

It is the last day of classes and for some reason I have to a) get to Great Books Western on time and b) return BJC's skateboard. His skateboard is of course one of those flat planks of wood on wheels with a puny gaurdrail that they use in lieu of shopping carts at home depot and similar hardware emporiums. Anyway, I'm skating around on it and it does not work very well due to its tendancy to spin around once a decent speed is achieved. I'm skating around campus and realize it is almost time to get to class.

Fortunately, I get to the humanities corridor and happen to run into BJC holding court with some hipsters as usual. There is a girl on his lap, but she stands up and morphs into younger brother BJC, clearly younger but almost identical down to the trucker hat and scrubbly facial hair. They high five and I leave the skateboard and peace out of there, at least ten minutes late for class. Somehow I step outside and am in front of smiley. It is now dark out and there is a girl there, she has weird hair. I tell her I have to get to class. We end up at a party at Remie's house, pretty typical. It is going well until everyone realizes that there is a cop car parked in the living room. Busted! I am just trying to get to class dammit!

A stereotypical looking lady cop steps out and yells for everyone to put down the alcohol. I am not old enough to derive satisfaction from her appearance. A guy in a white shirt has a handtruck with about four thirty racks of bud light. He looks suprised. I'm sitting there in the glow of the police lights as the lady cop explains the evil of what we've done. Typical. I'm just trying to get to class and am getting yelled at for something that is not my fault. Being too nice sucks sometimes. As the cop yells at us, the other denizens of Remie's house slink away into the night. I'm there for a while, as the cop helps her eight year old daughter with her homework and presumably waits for backup before bringing me and the unspecified person I am with to jail or whatever.

Eventually we decide to make a break for it. We sneak out, but I can't resist yelling FUCK YOU at the cop as I slam the door and run for it, looping around vandenburg and laying out down a huge hill (sick!). I run up through campus which slowly turns into the summer camp I work at, and just as I am jerked back to conciousness I realize that it is finals week and classes have already ended.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can barely follow you when you aren't on percocet.