Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Frankenstien part II day 1

So here I am, lying on a gurney waiting to go into surgery. I have an iv in my left hand, which is numb, causing it to feel like it is levitating because I cannot feel it touching the sheets. Sweet.

Next thing I Know I'm in a classroom, cool, looks a bit like a cross between a better lit version of the lecture center and the cartoon classroom from Brad Neely's "The Professor Brothers" cartoons except largely devoid of monsters.
The kid in the front row started freaking out, I don't remember why or how but I know he freaked the fuck out. He was also definitely smoking a joint in the front row, that ain't gonna fly in an academic setting brah.

Scene change! Am I awake? No. I'm hurtling forward as though on a roller-coaster or fast moving spaceship. An x wing, I decide, and indeed there are tie fighters to be fought. Pretty cool space landscape too, kind of like the graphics from the space battles in Battlefront II but with better atmospherics. Perhaps I've flown into my own imagination?

Bam. Awake. Aw. Time for surgery. I get wheeled into the operating room, trading awkward glances with the blue suited goblins along the way (note to self, Jacob Goble's cartoon drawings of doctors were not as fanciful as once imagined, although I see where he got his inspiration. Their wizard suits are pretty damn funny, all with blue shower caps and whatnot). On the operating table, the anesthesiologists are laughing at me. Perhaps I am slightly out of it...I sit up to get the spinal anesthetic injection, and next thing I know I am asleep in the prep room, surgery apparently over.

So far so good, although I am waiting for the other shoe to drop when the anesthetic wears off and I actually find out what my body feels like.
Until then,
Gunx love

This was my entry for FiveUltimate's daily contest, what do you imagine the future of ultimate to be? Although I did not win, you may get a chuckle out of it:

When the stock market collapses and society as we know it comes to a grinding halt, there will be one guiding light that inspires the persistence of the human race: ULTIMATE FRISBEE. After a brief period of worldwide civil war, the warmongers and football players of today’s world will be all but extinct, leaving behind a global society populated by goofy free spirits and introverted nerds that survived the cataclysm by hiding in their basements or by “just chillin”. The meek shall indeed inherit the earth, and ultimate will become their sport of choice. Through national and international competition such as the ultimate World Series, frisbolympics, and annual Hawaiian landshark race, humanity will unite into a utopian global culture that spans every inhabitable part of New Earth. All thanks to ultimate.

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