Monday, January 19, 2009

The semester begins...

Hey Five,

Thanks for getting back to us. As the captain in charge of getting uniforms for the GUNX I have spent quite a bit of time considering the merits of the various ultimate uniform makers. The announcement of your sponsorship program was too good an opportunity to pass up, and despite not receiving sponsorship for 09, the fact that FiveUltimate is willing to go to such great lengths to support the development of college ultimate has helped make my decision very easy. We'll be placing an order sometime soon. Keep up the good work and thanks for working so hard to support the college ultimate community.



The above is my reply to five after being told they are not able to sponsor us this year. We worked rather hard on the sponsorship application, and I honestly expected to be just a little crushed if we did not receive sponsorship. Honestly though, I don't feel crushed or defeated. It is certainly disappointing, but whatever. Life goes on. The fact that FiveUltimate is working to develop college ultimate and be involved in the community is pretty cool. Their new website is looking good and their online store is going to bring ultimate merchandising to the next level. They are a classy company and I'm very excited about getting our uniforms with them.

Anyway enough about that.

Classes are starting tomorrow here in Paltzland, and I'm pumped. No seriously. My positive frame of mind is in no small part due to playing disc every day since everyone got back. Late night diving practice is pretty sweet and playing ultimate in the snow is as great as I remember it being in high school.

Early in the semester it may be but it is already obvious that some GUNX got in some good practice over break. Stephen's backhand got huge and will be a huge asset this semester, for pulls and as a surprise huck on the flick side. Force flick marks will tremble with fear when this lefty rolls up with his big throws. Other than that, we already found one guy interested in playing. He joined in our pickup game today and displayed some pretty nice throws. Hooray transfer students. Word.

Hips + forehand = YES. My biggest problem with my flick form right now is not synchronizing body movements perfectly so that the snap is a little late and momentum is lost. That is easy enough to work out with practice and my forehand is getting pretty big. Steadily. Practice. Repetition of fundamentals. Practice. Word.

Went to the gym today. Winter break took a little oomph out of my benching and pull-up capabilities but given a week or two it should be fine. Captains meeting this week to set a practice schedule, conditioning policy, schedule a general interest meeting and returning players meeting, discuss tournaments, uniforms, disc orders and other projects, and other productive things. Got a printer for Christmas which makes me a lot more inclined to make and print flyers. We are going to advertise all around town, and by town I mean campus and maybe also town. Word.


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