Thursday, December 19, 2013

Ice Turf Shuffle

Got some throwing in on my "lunch" break today. 6pm on the turf, good deal. Still stressing the quick shuffle. Throws were mostly good, doing well in the wind lately. Lacking power though, I feel like I'm throwing at about 90% power at best. Maybe I am focusing on form TOO much, but that seems to be what I need right now. When I get my form up to par it will be easier to put the power back. Forehand is finally taking a good shape, so it seems to be paying off.

I think I need to become a handler defender? Let's face it, I'm not great at stopping in cuts and also I have a pretty good mark. If I can become quick, then handler defense probably makes the most sense. I can frustrate shorter throwers with my size and larger ones with speed (don't laugh, I'm working on it). Never had a specific defensive role, that's a mistake. It is smart to have a defensive speciality, especially on a team with as diverse and large a roster as ours. Gonna practice handler defense primarily and see what happens.

Back to throwing, really getting to like a slight outside in curve on midrange throws. You can do a lot with oi breakmark throws and out shots. Still gotta be able to wind up a big oi if you want to really huck it, though based on last season, breaking the mark is where I can really excel in club. Big hucks are good, but more often than not out shots will be 40 to 60 yards and its not like we have a dearth of players who can throw those. I do want to get to the point where I have monster hucks again, though. Working on that. Throwing as much as possible, throwing as much as possible, throwing as much as possible, etc.

Hopefully throwing again tomorrow. We'll see. No winter league for a couple weeks, need to keep the lungs strong in the meantime.

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