Thursday, January 10, 2013

Talking to myself on the blogophone

The trend this week is I get home, watch a movie and talk myself into taking an off day, and then snap and work out hard. Go with what works I guess.

Building motivation one little cat step at a time (there are no babies in my house). However, I have not figured out a way to motivate myself to run outside. I want to go every day but not enough to actually do it most days - it is a choice of getting up wicked early and going before work, or going after work at seven or eight in the dark and cold. The former option is a lot safer, but it is going to take the biggest adjustment yet.

While that is a major question mark style work in progress, the upside is that despite the lack of motivation when I get home from work, I spend all day at work looking forward to working out. Progress.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

upvote for baby step reference