Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lost Song

Second spin class went well, improved my form and breathing techniques and paced myself a little better. I still wanted it to be over the entire time, but two major improvements were a)knowing more or less how long it was and how much more there was (it is easier for me to push harder when I have a clearly achievable end goal) and the small moments of triumph that occurred when my better form allowed me to push harder.

I was able to standing climb a lot more and for longer, but still had to stop early about half the time, more towards middle. In the beginning I had more energy and in the end I had more drive. Plenty of room for improvement but better than the first time. Great cardio.

Given my current work schedule, three spin classes a week is a little over the top so I am going to stick to two for now. Still training six days a week, keeping that up as long as possible. Training a lot makes rest days seem amazing and hard won. Working a lot makes days off seem precious and golden. This ain't college but I'm starting to like it.

Confronting seasonal depression helped.

I dunno what else to blog about. Working out is it. Yeahhh.

PS this is kind of a cool variation of big dick. Don't like a low to the ground target but still cool. Maybe have the target be a person?
I miss throwing. I miss being outside, and nice spring days where you play all day in the warm mud. Ahhh this season is going to be awesome though, and I am working to earn that now and in the coming months and that feels good.

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