Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

Practice went well today, for the first of the season. Slight disorganization, some people need to shake off the winter break rust. Took some time but we got some flow going in the go-to drill and then played 3 on 3. Basically mini without the negative points rule, which will be used later in the season.

Practice is going to have to be very organized this winter since both of our indoor times are only an hour each. Friday the gym closes right as practice ends and Sunday soccer club comes in right after us. To make the most of our time practice is gonna have to run like clockwork.
We'll do it.

Anyway, it was nice to run around with the team and play some disc. Some players are literally exploding with potential this season.

Lifted afterwards. It felt good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heard a rumor that the gym clears out at 230 on Sundays? If this is true, shouldn't we go there at 230 to play?

And yes. So much potential.