Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hah whatever.

I swear things smell different when you stay up all night. Maybe after midnight my sinuses work better, or maybe I am just more susceptible to nostalgia.

Its the shaving cream. Something about my new shaving cream (1.69 BOGO at rite aid) is reminding me of all the good parts about staying up all night in college. Soft blue light, sad music, making art, throwing the frisbee on the quad in the middle of the night and then sleeping all day as the snow falls. The kind of thing that, taken together as a montage, could make a pretty crappy indie style movie marketed for high schoolers.

But that was life once. My beard is gone now, and I just want to walk around in the early morning light, or better yet play some disc in the crisp early fall air. But despite the lingering post sectionals euphoria, it is time to go back to the real world and I have doomed myself to staying up until after a job interview, for fear of sleeping through it. Some things don't change, but what has changed is I know that when I am again employed, I'll be able to quit this staying up all night shit and get back on a regular schedule. Hopefully however, I won't lose the impulse to chase some plastic in the autumn breeze. I love fall ultimate the best.

Two weeks until my first ever regionals.
Good morning blog friends.

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