Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Faith and Fairy Tales

'First and foremost, attitude is everything. If you don't actually have 7 players who believe you can actually win, then...your game isn't worth playing.'
-Brett Matzuka

Sectionals. This weekend. Nothing else motivates quite like that knowledge. It is go time, crunch time, time to put our skills to the test and see where our team-wide improvement has got us.

Just putting it out there, for us to achieve anything of significance we have to believe in each other and ourselves. That's simple but it goes a long way. If we don't have faith in this team our play will reflect that. If we do - if we dedicate ourselves to the Gunx, for one weekend, with 100% physical and mental intensity, damn the torpedoes full speed ahead - then we will be able to reach much higher.

Our shot at sectionals success may be a shot in the dark but it is a shot worth taking. As a team and as individuals we have a choice to make. We can give up on being good, and go down in flames at sectionals. Or we can put our faith in each other and the team, fight hard, and get as far as we can.

Remember that part in Half Blood Prince where they talk about the difference between being dragged to a battle to the death and walking into the arena with your head held high? Its like that. Let's prove we have the mental fortitude to make it a good fight, whatever the outcome.

Heart on fire.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish I could be there to watch!