Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Things all over the place

Threw with my brother and did a light workout, emphasizing different muscle groups than yesterday. Between throwing and working out I played two of my favorite mental excercise/throwing form games. I gave myself a hard time. I could never be as hard on the team as I am on myself, not even close. I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing.

The first game is the giant throw game: you throw hucks as high as you can and then catch the awful blades that descend at high speeds. I make myself catch three in a row before I can go inside. The second game is running while tossing a disc from one hand to the other, short backhands. The idea is that catching (and basic wrist snap throwing) should be so unconcious that you will be able to do it without thinking while running at top speed. I'm a big believer in mental excercises that also train some minute aspect of one's throwing/catching game.

I want to develop a lefty backhand huck, if only to balance the crab arm a little. That's not even it - having a huge backhand on either side of one's body would throw defenders for a loop. Ludicris? Maybe so, but a backhand huck on either side of the body would be a weapon that nearly noone has. Hmmm.

For the rest of the season, positive reinforcement will be key, as well as team unity. We need to come together more than ever before. We have 20 guys on our sectionals roster and everyone will need to contribute their best, which requires us to feel like we are part of something bigger. We are, this team is going places, and I hope we all realize it.


Can't stop, Won't stop said...

You do know that a giant lefty backhand is the same as a giant righty flick right?
Just sayin' :)

Gunx Ultimate said...

David David David...on the one hand you are correct, functionally speaking either one is a throw on the right side of the body that goes really far.

However, mechanics wise, my body type is perfect for throwing big backhands and if I could train my lefty backhand it could be a more effective throw in windy conditions, and quite possibly larger than my forehand.

This is all hypothetical, but I kinda wanna try and see where it goes.