Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sleep schedule: destroyed.

Nocturnal Decisions 2010 wreaked havoc in every way. Great weekend. Unfortunately my team did not wreak havoc - we were pretty terrible actually, despite having wonder-boy Robbie who got big with a bevy of inspiring layout d's all over the place. It took us until game four to figure out how to play offense with one another, and by that time no-one wanted to play defense. Funny how that works. I wrote notes about each game but they are, this far removed from the action, either irrelevant or illegible. A few anecdotes:

It was Dan Miller's birthday. I gave him a five hour energy. I guess he is a Hobbit because he gave me a gift as well - a BUDA spirit award disc.

Unlike last year, I only spiked the disc once, after being hit and stepped on by my defender in the end-zone. The opposing team's sideline was not amused - one sitting down player whined "you don't have to do that". Working on "acting like I've been there before" in the endzone but getting my foot stomped on on a late bid made me angry. Suck it other team sideline soft serve punk.

Got some good advice from experienced players. Ted from my team said "put more touch on your throws. If you have to throw it hard to an in cutter they are not really open". Food for thought.

Some big old dude from WUDI advised me, "from one big guy to another", to make deep cuts from the front of the stack. Again, food for thought.

A few of our friends/teammates came down to watch. Though they should all play next year, being able to go chill with them during byes and between games was the best. It was also hilarious as we all slowly descended into complete delirium as the night progressed.

On that note, frisbee: it is my drug of choice. Playing all night caused euphoria, giggling, sleepiness, the munchies, and I felt like shit. Everything that I've ever experienced on real drugs, but good for you! Hooray!

Anyway, great tournament yet again. It definitely seemed more competitive than last year, with deeper teams and more good players from the area.
What I learned: I am in good shape but not good enough, New Paltz would do well to emphasize last back defense, and sometimes eating two slices of pizza before a game is a good idea.
New Haven this weekend. Bam.

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