Sunday, May 3, 2009

College Schmollege part II

Woke up, decided not to be responsible (ie leave early to do work). Got to the fields, flag football players everywhere. Some so and so double booked the fields. Sad.

We essentially had a first round bye, which I spent watching RPI vs SUNY genocide (a hodge podge of players from various SUNY schools, including briefly Bridget). It got ridiculous, including a power walking point, the classic upside down point (scoring passes had to be upside down push passes), a jump shot and catch point, and finally a team vs team point with three discs where scoring passes had to be the future throw. It was a fun game to watch and Steve and I heckled Chetti, who listened to us for some reason.

Played Oneonta, exciting game but short. They won. I came within maybe a foot of a layout callahan on the first point. So. Close. Eli Herbst ran hard. Chetti picked up with us. I got footblocked three times by Alphonso, but matched up better with him than in the past all things considered.

That was our only game as the lack of field space meant that only the top eight teams got to play more than one game on day two. Sad. Watched Marist almost beat Oneonta. It was pretty intense. Some random flag football bros were heckling, one in particular. Thought he was a dick but it turned out he was a chill guy who just liked heckling. He'd probably fit into ultimate culture pretty well, but in context he seemed like a dick. If people don't see the joke...well same deal as yesterday really. Ah well.

So that was it and we headed home, stopping at applebees to get apples and bees.
Part III to come?

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