Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Twenty Three (Trying to Find a Balance)

Working out feels so good. I am at least 30% happier since I got back on the grind, and while there's a while to go until I feel in the swing of things again, this is a positive sign. While the last month of bodily neglect paid off for my artwork, it has not done much good for myself esteem.

Also I may have a broken throwing finger. It is making it really hard to throw accurately, and it hurts a reasonable amount which is just as well because it is telling me to stop doing stuff with it until I get it checked out.

Frustrating but so it goes. This month is hectic and since I can't make ultimate my number one priority I have to compensate in small ways.

Small ways:
Hydrate more! More water more.
Throw and catch more! Everyday. Lefty, I guess. Euugh.

Getting my train on track, getting my ducks in a row.
Onward into the future.

Oh PS while it is hard to throw because of my finger, my form is not helping. It is not consistent because I have caught the lazy bug. Well joke's on you lazy bug, you will be crushed. Balance.

I don't like this blog post. Yeah, balance. Balance is the key. I need to balance my arrogance with my psychosis and figure out what to project to the world. Insecurity or confidence? Does it matter?

Nunchuck Gecko.

Just keep adding until it makes sense.

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