Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I look up to the sky, I know the world is mine

Brodie Smith's first throwing tutorial video is super dope. It is going to make teaching people to throw next year so much easier, and has also given me some insight into possible ways to run the team in the fall. Really get down to basics right away.

This week of practices has been very intense so far with good energy and people getting gritty. Things we have to work on as a team: making space for each other as cutters and handlers. Focusing on marks has helped us teamwide on the defensive side and we will certainly continue to focus on that up until sectionals. It will pay dividends.

Brian coming today was clutch. Like last year before sectionals, he came on a day where a lot of players were not there for one reason or another. Unlike last year, he got to see a good practice anyway. He gave us some good advice and will hopefully be able to make it out some more to help. His coaching would pay off big time.

Personally, I need to work on swinging the disc and working better with the other handlers to open up more space. Also to not crowd when going for the dump throw. Evaluating field vision and decision making would not hurt either. At this point there is no excuse for ever turning the disc over - if a cutter is open anywhere, be it deep or underneath, I can put it there. Therefore I need to work on taking what the defense gives up rather than forcing things.

Also defense.
Also pushups.

Also fucking sleeping at night instead of the day.

Gunx love.

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