Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Upward over the mountain

A tale in three parts.

Hingham was one of the best weekends of my life in recent memory (and anyone with anything but recent memory is not partying hard enough amirite?). It was a blast and I got to spend time with some of the best people imaginable, and it taught some important lessons. Namely, sometimes doing right by yourself will negatively affect others and you have to figure out when it is appropriate to live for yourself and when to sacrifice for other's benefit. But that's a life lesson. Boring! Frisbee is what is happening, am I right?

So yeah on that note, Hingham brought me back to my roots. It was a weekend of the distilled essence of what frisbee should be: Having as much fun as possible with your crew and meeting new people while doing the things you love to do. I have been getting too serious and my onfield demeanor is not always the nicest. Hingham was a reality check, and I will use the expereince to get my head straight and go back to being a fun person to play ultimate against as well as with. Not at the expense of competitiveness! Never that. But the great thing about this little game of ours is the great people you meet and the fun you can have gritting out a universe point win against a team you like and respect.

Today was the last WUDI regular season game, a gritty loss to Gold, starting 6 on 7 and ending 5 on 7 after Sergei went out with a hurt something. It was rough and we ultimately lost, but we had fun and played confidently with a "nothing left to lose so throw everything and the kitchen sink" sort of mentality. With no Julie to be positive or Adam to run the show, people will need to step up at playoffs and I will be one of them. Fueled by Hingham and fun and life, I will be, as Jenn would say, POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE and we will go out with a bang and face whatever end the WUDI playoffs bring.

Positivity is a good keyword for the upcoming season. If we can strive to impart positive energy to each new and old player at every practice and team function, we will be on the right track for a fantastic fall season. Doober being captain is going to come up huge, you heard it here first (or did you?). Plans are in the works and this is shaping up to be our most organized season ever, which can only help. Everyone is talking about how good we are right now and how good we can be. Now we all need to man or woman up and make it happen. Set some personal goals, it will help a lot.

We all need to come together and get by with a little help from our friends.
Get each other's backs...
...and make this our best year ever by far.

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