Monday, July 26, 2010

Take the wheel and steer

Wildwood was a blast. An amazing weekend overall but for me the best part was seeing the future of New Paltz ultimate. There were moments where we played, as a team, fantastic, confident ultimate, showcasing the skills of a team that is versitile, confident, creative and deadly. Those brief snapshots sketch out the future of the team if we can take our current crop of talent and our drive to get better and run with it, well, to the endzone.

This weekend should can and should be further proof. We are going to be really, really good if we can come together and push each other. That's basically all.
Let's do it.

Lost at summer league today. Played badly, as a team and individually. We can do better. Throws were good. Defense was not. At. All.

Have a good one.

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