Monday, April 13, 2009

Sectionals redux

Focus -- it took us two games, as a team, to focus. Not proper.
Throw forehands IO, low release, proper form, hips, shoulder jerk -- check. flicks were pretty good with the exception of the games where it was so windy that upfield throws became ridiculously bad. Had one or two massive flicks for goals.
Backhands, grip it and rip it -- Check.
Play defense with every fiber of yourself wanting regionals -- 60%
Get the team fired up -- I tried. I don't know how sucessful I was but I will do better.
Be a team player -- I think I did pretty well with this.
Be positive -- heck yes.
Play out of your fucking mind -- 70%
Win every game. Four bids. Four bids! 1 and 3
End the day happy -- mostly yes.

It was a good weekend.
A building block,
you might say.

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