Saturday, March 14, 2009


Yep that's me.

Anyway, been a while. Yep.
It would seem I have some catching up to do.

So Nocturnal Decisions eh? Well it happened and it was a wild time. My team had a solid collection of skilled players. Everybody had solid fundamentals and the only problem was that some players did not know when to sub out. It seemed that all the teams had a lot of talented players and that the good teams were not those with the superstars but rather those that just clicked. Any of the teams we faced could conceivably have won the championship.

As it happened, Cap'n Dave's team went on to win it all. He is truly a source of pride for the GUNX and I spend most of practice these days heckling him about how he is a tournament champion. My squad finished 6th, going three and five overall. Our point differential helped us out, we played close games and did not get blown out by any team. The tournament itself was very well run and we will definately be back next year. Mad props to Sussman and the WUDI crew for putting on such a fine event.

Personal highlights and lowlights: When I handled, I played the possession game and did not turn it much even later in the night when I got tired. Had a few bad hucks but also a few good ones. Heckled Chetti on camera, quality to be sure. Handblock and layout d combo. One game in the second pool I went on a seven point run where I scored six points and only let my man touch the disc once. Hucked some big hucks, spiked the disc and got yelled at for it by Taylor. Got skied by Joe Smash like twenty times and Taylor layout D’d me a fair bit as well. Blab blah blah me me me!

An observation: You can't have timed games with pulls without an outside arbiter of some sort to enforce quick pulls, or else some joker is going to slowroll the walk back to the line and kill time. ND had a good solution. Instead of make it take it, when you scored you dropped the disc and possession went to the other team. Subbing on the fly was also very cool once I figured it out. I think it is a great way to play indoor.


Indoor this past Tuesday went well. After spending half of the night digesting tacos, the GUNX went on to straight up dominate, earning several awards in recognition of our mad pickup skills. Charlie received the Nobel Prize for greatest contrast of excellent throwing form with poor decision making in an upset victory over yours truly. Having won that award for the past twenty months straight I can only stop to reflect on my recent desire to play the possession game with horror and grim resignation.

TDs are real nice. First indoor with them I did not play that well due to fatigue from ND (although still much better than the previous week. That week was bloody awful) but the TDs were nice and now they are broken in. They also work really well in the mud.

Outdoor practice has again started for the GUNX (!!!!!!!) and our first tournament of the spring season is this upcoming weekend. We will be seeing a lot of teams from our section and fine-tuning our game. We have three weeks of practice between LI Classic and sectionals and we are going to make the most of them. Yeah. The GUNX looked solid at our first outdoor practice despite weeks of not playing outdoors, and stoic at our second despite the massive amounts of mud. Looking at the team you can tell who worked hard over the winter. Some people are going to absolutely explode this spring and that will be exciting for the team.

Hey you know what sounds nice? Sleeping. Fear not gentle reader, I will blag again before the end of SPRING BREAK 09 BABY.

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