Thursday, March 5, 2009

Orange cleats?

The title of my blog refers to a bygone era, when I was known on the field primarily as "that kid with the orange cleats". Unfortunately, my second pair of orange cleats was retired some time ago and even my red cleats are in their sunset years, you might say (although they tore the field to bits at nocturnal, see next post). Also, after watching hours of competitive ultimate it turns out orange cleats are not exactly a novelty item. Nonetheless, my title stands until I find a more suitable moniker, which probably won't happen because orange is the color of complete ballers, and healthy citrus fruit.

Anyways, I got new cleats recently, white speed TDs. One more ultimate bandwagon crossed off my list of bandwagons I have jumped. Look for me next week in a trucker hat gulping wine from a bag.


Today I managed one of the most ridiculous feats of procrastination of my school career, and then it turned out the weather was nice so we tossed and after I went down to the field and worked on my deep shots. Indoor has taken the edge off my wind game, but not as much as I feared. All in all, a good day and enough to get my head in gear to go to Thursday running for the first time in some weeks. My motivation is back baby.

Next post:
Nocturnal decisions.
Here's a sneak preview: It was FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

Peace ya'll.

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