Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Can You Hear the Grass?

Fat and Mediocre takes 4th at Metro New York Sectionals for the third straight year. You can finish ahead of us, or you can finish behind us, but we own 4th place, 100% of the time and that’s just the deal around here.

We went into the tournament with 23 rostered players. We ended up with 12 each day. Ended the weekend with a 4 – 3 record, winning the ones that counted to take a bid to regionals. First time going two years in a row! Neat.

Some quick hits:

Didn’t horse stomp so much on hucks this season, and I tightened up my pivot to be more consistent and give me better angles of attack. My slightly sore Achilles reveals that I’m still stomping sometimes. I also run on my heels sometimes. Bad. New cleats might help, my good orange boys finally gave up the ghost during a meaningless semis game vs colt and I had to gorilla tape them back together for the rest of the day. In retrospect, playing for 2 years with falling apart cleats probably explains my ankle and Achilles problems as much as the horse stomp does.

Running track prior to the tournament, I tightened up my running form with much more efficient arm movement. It did not really pay off, because I was only able to hit my top speed during our second game of the tournament. Maybe next year!

Bobble drill paid off. I completely missed a goal catch and then saved it on the third bounce. Bobble every day, yall.

That said, while I only had 3 drops I can remember, all were difficult catches that physically I can make with ease, but mental pressure led to the drop. More practice would probably help with this. I didn’t get too many touches towards the end of the season so my disc confidence was lower than I’d like.

Ha-ha, “season”.

During tough moments of the tournament (any time I had to be on the field for more than 2 minutes, am I right?) I thought about something I said to a girl on the high school team I coach (city champs 2017!) back in 2016 when she was having confidence issues on the field: “no matter what else is going on in your life, school, relationships, family problems, etc – you don’t bring that on the field. When you’re on the field, it is your chance to make all of your feelings somebody else’s problem for a while”. It mostly worked. Coaching is awesome. “Advice is a givers’ present” – John Steinbeck

While waiting for my parents to arrive for dinner after day 2, I figured out how to nail delay my sketchbook. I’ve been trying passively to learn to nail delay since I was 14. It’s a lot easier with the sketchbook than an ultra star, but I’ll keep trying. This has nothing to do with F&M besides that it is a mediocre story.

As long as I keep throwing I’ll be fine. See you at regionals. 

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