Friday, December 31, 2010

Tens and twenties what's so funny fucking 2010

Two thousand and ten, by far the wildest year of my life. In many respects, a rough year around the globe - reading about the year in perspective both anonymous and well known, there seems to be a vindictive joy that the year is finally over, and a cautious enthusiasm for what two thousand eleven will bring.

It was a rough year worldwide - I'm thinking of Haiti, struck by multiple tragedies claiming many lives. I don't think enough of the world beyond our borders, or even the world beyond my own little bubble of self absorption and day to day minutia. That is something I will change in 2011. It is time to look to the world at large again. I have not even read the newspaper with regularity since the end of the 2008 election cycle.

In retrospect, I will call 2010 a good year, personally. It was not always fun but I learned a lot - about myself, my craft, my sport. I learned that life is what you, YOU make of it, that hard work and self motivation are the only ways to be truly successful. I learned what happens when you forsake the aforementioned values, and how hard it is to fail at something that you love. I learned to love again, and remembered why it is that love for anything is among the most important things a person can have. I learned the consequences of acting without thought, of rushing into things, of getting hurt.

I learned a lot about what I stand for and what I stand against, what I want out of life, what my goals are, and how important it is to pursue those wants and goals with gusto, with intense dedication and with disregard for the consequences of failure. I learned from Erik to keep striving for better adventures, and take life, as it were, by the horns. I learned to stand up for myself, and to stand up for others when necessary. I learned that from now on, I will need to work on my art career from as many angles as possible every day.
Most importantly, I learned to pick myself up.

The beginning o the year is a fitting time to post my personal ultimate goals for the 2011 spring season. They are as follows:

-Do something for the team every day.
-Run, jump and throw every day.
-Quit drinking, smoking and excessive computer use.
-Be organized and hardworking in school to facilitate being organized and hardworking in team affairs, at practice and on the field.
-Be the best captain possible.

For added fun, you can have my new years resolutions too.
They are:

-Be a kinder person
(work to increase the overall sum of human happiness)
-Be financially organized and responsible
-Write more

Let's make 2011 amazing.
I'm off to enjoy the last four minutes of 2010.

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