Saturday, May 19, 2012

Callahan Thoughts

Nick Lance as an absolute monster, undeniably. Probably the best player in college.
However, I am voting for Alex Thorne. He seems like the best leader, and is also a monster player. Also I am taking into consideration how his leadership has impacted his program. Without Lance, GT does not qualify for nationals, but without Thorne, Pitt would not be a title contender this year and that seems fairly important.

People tend to discount good players on deep, top teams because of the strength of their supporting cast, but I am more impressed by the players who can bring together a group of talented players and play and win as a team.

If the Callahan is an mvp award, Lance should win. In a talented group of throwers, he is a monster. But Thorne is almost as impressive a thrower, and as has been proven before, the award is not strictly an MVP award. It is about leadership and integrity, and Thorne shows that in spades. Lance does too, and it is a tough choice. I expect Lance to win but Thorne is the player I am most impressed with.

Who knows though. The Callahan award means different things to every person who votes in it. I think it is time for an overall MVP award in addition to the Callahan. Maybe name it after some legendary player from years past. The Stork award would be funny.
That would create a less ambiguous voting system, an recognize the extra dimensions inherent in the Callahan award.
Kurt and Brodie would have (should have) won MVP, for instance. Certainly merited.
Vote Alex Thorne! (or don't. America is in love with Nick Lance's scoober and I don't blame us a bit).

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