Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dry Season

The concept of a dry season in relation to frisbee is seemingly ludicris. People outside of frisbee will not understand why a silly game is worth not partying for three months. People who play frisbee will wonder why anyone would take it so seriously. People on DI teams would wonder why anyone on a team that placed 16th at sectionals would bother.
Also, we can't make it team policy because we are a club sport, and that would be no fun. We like fun. So it has to be a personal choice and those participating have to not get self righteous and alienate those who choose not to make that sacrifice.
That said:
This semester I am not drinking until after the college series. Bam. Stated.
Partying last semester got in the way of frisbee. Fair enough it was the fall and blah blah blah my life whatever. It happened, it is done with. This semester I need to get my head straight and my body fixed up and in shape. That's all.

Here are some thought scraps.
Each one could and probably will be its own post one day or another.

-I don't step out when I throw short backhands. I step out when I throw long backhands. That's silly. Stepping with your throw is pretty clutch and that explains in part why I almost never break the mark with a short backhand - most underutilized breakmark throw I have. Okay.
I'll step when I throw em. Something to work on.

-Two personal goals for the spring season:
1. Approach every game with no fear.
That ties into every repetitive post I've made about swagger and confidence. Simple but very important.
2. Make sure every player knows their specific role and assignments. On a team as small as ours every threat must be utilized and maximized if we are going to be sucessful this season.

These past two days have been examples of what cannot happen this semester. I have not thrown or ran, but I have stayed up increasingly late wasting time on the computer. That is a recipe for disaster academically, athletically and socially. Keep that in mind, me!

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